Thursday, May 9, 2019

Vector software that retains relationships

I'm looking for a vector software like Illustrator that would have a sort of console that permit to tweak numerically anchors parameters and also do things such as "name segments and anchors", "force two anchors to be identical or symetric to a point or an axis so every change that would be done to one would be automatically pasted to the other", "move an anchor A so the distance of A to another anchor B on axis C is x".

Things like this. Is there a plugin that does that or do you need new software ?


OK, now bear with me but there is such a category of programs: CAD. So depends a bit on your complexity needs you may need to choose things properly. Not only can the cad software do this they do it out of the box, in the gui without much problems.

  • Autocad can do all you ask plus more

  • Most 3d MCAD's can do this as well

These do cost money tough. Geometric constrain solvers are pretty common engineering tools.


Animation 1: A simple demo showing the geometric solver in action (the application in question is Creo)

Ive been toying around and slowly building one solver like this to illustrator but the illustrator object model is a bit restrictive.

You can also script in most graphics application a good place to start might be this post on illustrator scripting plus eps/svg generation.

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