Monday, August 15, 2016

user behavior - Do capital letters make you seem serious?

Lately, I've been seeing a trend of using lower-case letters over capital letters.


Hello, matthew

Smart Water

#1 Visual Aid

In the above picture, there are many examples of simple sentence structure being ignored and lower case letters being used in place of upper-case structure.

that's, but, it's.

Is this now a thing? Should my company follow the same strategy to appear more fun and creative? I'm running a company where you can win sweepstakes. I want the environment to be fun and stimulate them to enter the contests.


According to this article lowercase are friendly :

Words set in all lowercase letters are informal and tend to feel friendly. Variations in form, rounded shapes, and no initial capital letter give lowercase words a common, conversational feeling.

and uppercase are demanding :

Words set in all caps feel important, powerful, reliable, and enduring. The letters are big and demanding.

Additionally, according to this article lower case are much easier to read :

At body text sizes, cap­i­tal let­ters—or sim­ply caps—are harder to read than nor­mal low­er­case text. Why? We read more low­er­case text, so as a mat­ter of habit, low­er­case is more fa­mil­iar and thus more leg­i­ble. Fur­ther­more, cog­ni­tive re­search has sug­gested that the shapes of low­er­case let­ters—some tall (dhkl), some short (aens), some de­scend­ing (gypq)—cre­ate a var­ied vi­sual con­tour that helps our brain rec­og­nize words. Cap­i­tal­iza­tion ho­mog­e­nizes these shapes, leav­ing a rec­tan­gu­lar contour.


Just adding some extra reference from this article :

Friendly or Unfriendly?

Friendly visual features could be described as positive, while unfriendly visual features could be described as negative. Friendliness is not only determined by what is said, but also by how it is said (i.e. the tone of the conversation). Our tendency to assign and characterize personality based on conversation is easily recognizable in the example below. This example uses contrast, visual weight, , color value, size and typography to alter the meaning that is conveyed by the words. The content conveys the message, but the look and feel change how that message is interpreted, altering the meaning.

Which of the statements below would you rather hold a conversation with? Which one do you feel more compelled to approach or avoid? Which one naturally grabs more of your attention? When it comes to conversation, someone has to lead, and opposites attract.

enter image description here

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