Tuesday, August 23, 2016

vector - Illustrator CC Minus front not doing what I expect

This hair artwork is composed of dozens of paths.

Original artwork

A path (which has been Brought to Front) represents the hair parting. I'd like to delete this path, so there is a transparent area there. (This is so the hair can be overlaid on artwork of bodies of differing skin tones.)

When I select all the paths and click Minus Front in the Pathfinder panel, I get this:

Results of Minus Front

I must be misusing the tool, but I don't understand how. I have tried both grouping and ungrouping all the paths beneath the parting layer, and moving the parting onto a higher layer than all the hair paths, but it still has the same result.


Sometimes is a little difficult to find the right pathfinder with many vectors. I propose a very efficient alternative.

Imagine my draw is made with many vectors and the light-blue line is the end of the hairs:

hair 1

  • Select this vector > fill it 100% black > Menu Edit > Cut


  • Select the hair group (must be a group if it's made with more than a simple vector)

Open the Transparency window > Clic on the right square of the window and uncheck CLip > Menu Edit > Paste in Place

PAste in place

Clic on the left square of the window to go back to the editing area.

You have a transparency mask on the area you want to be transparent


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