Sunday, September 22, 2019

confirm email or email verification later?

I have a registration form, name, email, password. I also offer the Facebook connection and in the future all other Open ID ways but for now I would focus on the regular process:

Currently, I require the password confirmation and then I send an email to confirm the email address.

But I really also like the Tumblr way which grants full functionality even without email confirmation, and so with your email+password entered you are into the site in literally 30 seconds...

So my question is: what are the best practices and in terms of metrics/stats if it is better to allow an easy process but with the risk of high volume of fake, wrong, incomplete accounts OR ask more initially so those users who complete the process are "quality users"?

(I hope my question was clear, sorry for my English.)


i'd opt for an instant login (and also a verification email), but with limited privileges until the user confirms the email address.

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