Saturday, November 9, 2019

resource recommendations - Git-style Managing for Graphics/Programming Assets on Filesystem level?

This question addresses my problem about handling derivative works but I am trying to find some Git compatible solution. Extensis Portfolio may be a good candidate but for me it is essential that I am able to work smoothly between graphics assets repo and programming repo. SourceTree/Git combo works to with programming projects but graphics easily ruins things because the graphics repo can expand extremely fast.

Suppose a screenshot/work/etc with specific time-stamp/index/description, I don't want to lose this origin but I still need to use this work for things such as sprite-generation so I have change its description and location. In Git, I would use git mv to maintain the history -- now I want that the GUI will automatically handle this without me typing this command. Another scenario: I need to create many different versions of the same image so I clone many of them and change the name, I want the GUI to handle this in a way that I can later come back and see graphically how different art assets evolved. Extensis Portfolio apparently requires you to set up some groups but I would like the GUI to handle the group creation the time I create a new folder -- in a way I am trying to find a solution that is closely tied to the file system and Git: the software cannot add everyhing to Git unless the exponential size increasing easily.

Does there exist any software to manage the evolution graphics assets on file-system level?

The file-system level means that I could just create folder/file and then it tracked the evolution of files automatically like each file is an object where a field stores its historical paths.

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