Monday, January 15, 2018

website design - What is the fastest way to copy a colour in Photoshop as HEX?

A lot of designers use Photoshop as a design and mockup tool. And in doing so, one of the last steps can be to get a lot of the colour information out so things like gradients and dynamic text can be rebuilt using HTML, CSS, Cocoa or some other language.

Sampling a colour, then opening the picker and tabbing or double clicking the HEX field, then pressing ⌘C (Mac) or Control-C (Windows) requires a few steps.

If you have a final design document and you'd like to copy lots of colours to the clipboard, what's the fastest way to do this?


The Color panel has some well hidden abilities to copy the foreground colour to the clipboard. These can be assigned to a keyboard shortcut. I use ⌥⌘C.

Copy colour keyboard shortcut

It's also possible to right click with the eyedropper tool. This is quicker if you're sampling many colours.

Eyedropper tool copy colour

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