Wednesday, May 10, 2017

technique - Music & Focus During Writing

I hate listening to silence while I write, so I usually end up listening to music, but then I lose my focus. I don't really like classical or lo-fi that much and they don't help me concentrate on the task at hand. So I usually attempt to find music that fits the mood of my writing, like emotional music for poetry or tense music for an action sequence. But sometimes those things distract me. Any recommendations for artists or albums that help you stay focused, and techniques to stay focused?


What many writers do is work in a public place: a cafe, a library, on the train. Such a place provides a background noise to relax all the senses. Personally I like libraries best, as they have a quiet working atmosphere and yet provide some non-distracting sensory input when people move as they work or walk through the shelves. But many writers like cafes, recently J. K. Rowling famously wrote Harry Potter in one.

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