Sunday, December 16, 2018

forms - Why are primary/call-to-action buttons usually plain blue?

I understand the reasoning for using blue in general, for backgrounds, etc...

What I'm asking about is the blue in twitter bootstrap framework and other similar frameworks. It seems to become a sort of trend now.

Not sure if it's just me but I feel those buttons are too screaming (but not in a good way), don't provide good contrast to the usually-white text on them, and are not very nice enough to be such a common thing. I would understand if they were like facebook primary buttons (calm, clear, even though it's not gradient, etc) which are also blue but look nicer.

So, the question is, are those buttons considered nicer to users for certain reasons?
for example, I understood that the reason some people but cancel button before primary button is that this is how Apple does it and more people are getting iPads, is it something similar?)


Blue is the most common Favorite Color, which has been backed up repeatedly.

enter image description here

In addition to being the most popular color, blue just works well. Backgrounds are often white or black, and blue works on both. Blue is a friendly color for most common forms of colorblindness as well, as it doesn't mix in with any other colors in red/green deuteranopia colorblindness.

Contrast this with other colors; yellow is terrible on white and too loud on black, orange can be too harsh on the eyes, red seems urgent, green you have to be careful is an extremely safe color, which is probably why very many companies have taken to blue logos.

As a side note, Facebook is blue because Zuckerberg is red/green colorblind, so some blue use might be due to copy-cat-ism, but there are still very good reasons to favor blue when no other color is clearly superior.

Here's another good article on Blue's dominance in design: Anatomy of Colors: Getting Deeper into the Blue Coloring Websites

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