Sunday, December 4, 2016

accounts - Ethical ways to dissuade?

For our banking app, our team is trying to encourage our users to keep more money in their savings account. Specifically, to prevent more than 6 transfers per month, of any amount, from savings to checking.

The current (bad) method is to have a message before the "Submit" button with a paragraph of legal jargon that nobody reads.

My current plan is to have a natural-language message that tells the user that there are methods to save more money easily (citing some loss-aversion research), and maybe a call to action that brings them to another savings service. That's the idea I just came up with, and I'd like to have more.

We're just looking for a good way to help people spend less money, which I'm relatively new to.


Same field, here. Perhaps the issue revolves around the notion that while you might want to dissuade people from withdrawing savings into a chequing account, you have no context about why they are taking that action.

I'm thinking that even a gentle "dissuasion" that occurred, for example, when I really needed money to pay for an emergency trip to the dentist for my son, is going to piss me off a bit. I haven't asked for your input into my decision in that case, so why are you interrupting?

That said, if there was an incentive you reminded me about to keep saving, I might consider any dissuasion in a more positive/friendy light. For example, if the bank knew I was saving for specific things, you could remind me in a friendly tone that it'll take that much longer to achieve those goals if I take money out of savings?

Or simply remind the customer about financial literacy points a user can visit in the bank (or the app) to learn more about saving effectively in the future. "Can we help you learn about some of our savings plans?", for example.

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