Friday, February 15, 2019

algorithm - Is there a name for, or any research on, a system where you try to predict future price by finding a similar price history in the past?

Allow me to explain.

You look back from some period to the present. Say a week ago to now, using a per-minute view. You then crawl through your database of past price data, and you try to find a history segment that is most similar to what that one week window is. You display the historical data's price after that matched historical segment in hopes that the current market will follow a trend similar to what that historical data did.

To me, this sounds like a great strategy because it attacks the market on the pattern level. It doesn't rely on indicators to look for trends, it looks for the trends themselves. But I can't help but think that this is naive and will be a waste of time to implement.

Has anyone done this? Or can anyone tell me why this is a dumb idea?

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