Monday, December 7, 2015

Multiple vs single field capture for phone number form input

Working on a form dealing with phone numbers, I've seen two methods to capture user input .

In past practices example 2 (image below) has proved effective in controlling phone number lengths on forms.

However with responsive in mind it would seem example 1 is considered a more popular pattern on forms. I've researched both patterns with the findings below.

Phone Number Input Patterns on Form

Example 1


  • 1 input = less taps on mobile device

  • 1 input = less coding


  • could be difficult to control phone number format (1-555-555-5555, +22444455555, and etc)

Example 2


  • easier to control phone format

  • reduced user error


  • 3 inputs = more taps on mobile device

  • more inputs = more coding

Both inputs have pros and cons and I'm not such which method would provide the best user experience for responsive environments. Can anyone share some insight or provide a better way to use phone number inputs?

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