Monday, December 7, 2015

creative writing - New digital ways of presenting a novel in 2011?

The traditional way of presenting a novel is in a book. I know about e-books too.

Do you know another digital ways of presenting a novel?

For instance, a blog, a twitter novel or something like the mixture of a website and a novel.

Having links and images in some places or something like that? (Something that could have also a bit of web design).


There are many different ways of presenting books.

  • Blogs have been used to present work. For example, The Orwell Diaries presented complete pages of George Orwell's work for each day in his diary.

  • Twitter can present work one sentence at a time, or snippets with links to longer work elsewhere. See ReadWriteWeb for some info. For tips on how to write a Twitter novel, see this article.

  • Blogs can also be used to create interactive books that allow individuals to comment on individual sections, chapters, sentences etc. For example, see CommentPress for Wordpress (examples here).

  • MediaWiki (and other Wiki software) can be used for open collaborative works. At WikiBooks, for example, they're generating collaborative text books. We are Smarter than Me was written as a collaborative effort, too.

  • The recent book, Visit from the Goon Squad, which won a Pulitzer Prize, had sections written as Power Point presentations.

  • The classic Choose Your Own Adventure and Fighting Fantasy style of books have found a good place on-line, as it makes this style quite easy to follow. Here is a list of some of these.

  • There is also The Sophie Project, which is specialist software for reading, writing, and distributing complex networked multimedia documents.

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