Wednesday, December 2, 2015

labels - Should you still include "Follow us" with your social icons on the web?

I have been seeing a weaning out of the label follow us with social icons. Tell me if you think it adds value or doesn't affect the site. An example of a site that uses it is Mod Cloth. One that doesn't is Victoria secret.


I would split your question into two segments.

  • Is there any value of having inviting text (a verb) along with an icon. Simple answer is yes - having it is good than not.

  • What is the visual cost of having such phrase besides the icon as this may look untidy or design doesn't go too well with that. This is where you need to decide between cost and its benefit. At this point, my advice would be that instead of letting visual design control this aspect, let your marketing and user strategy decide.

I am of opinion that the term "Follow us" has lost its shine over the years and doesn't stand out or excite - even though it is understood well. Some possible alternates could be "Stay informed on twitter" or "Join the Pros" etc, but these phrases are rather longer and would require more space and even more appropriate positioning on the screen.

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