Friday, December 4, 2015

Search as you type

Is returning search results while the user is inputting each character good usability practice or a pain in the rear for the user?


From a user's perspective, I've never found it anything but helpful. The search results let me know how I'm most likely to find accurate information for my query and that's never a bad thing. That said, there are a few guidelines to implementing it that should or could be followed.

  • Make sure the search form works without the AJAX suggestions before adding them. Think enhancement to what's already there, not requirement.

  • Never update the search input with one of the results unless the user requests it.

  • Provide keyboard and mouse access for selecting results.

  • Look-behind is a nice complement to look-ahead.

Here's an Autocompleter for MooTools, my favorite JavaScript framework, and ones for jQuery, Dojo, Prototype, and YUI.

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