Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Icons only vs list with icons

I'm wondering what's the UX point of view of using only icons or a list with text + icons.

Only icons

enter image description here

List with icons

enter image description here

The only icons options provides a faster way to access to the action, as you don't have to click on the arrow to open the menu.

On the other hand, I think the list provides a more clear view of the different actions to do as you can see the text of all of them. The icons only view would only show the text for the hovered icon.


I'd suggest to go with the option with the labels, because with icons alone it isn't clear what they do in most situations.

In your example you also have 2 icons which do 4 different things. It would be much clearer if you used other icons for showing the comments and allocate a truck.

I may be incorrect, but it seems that you're using twitter bootstrap, so you could already use the "glyphicon glyphicon-comment" icon for the comments.

I've also found a truck icon on font-awesome. This webfont is compatible with twitter bootstrap. You have to google this, because I can't post more than 2 links.

As a user as long as it is clear where to click it isn't bad if you have one click more.

With the arrow for the action list you have the same problem. You should maybe add a label with the text "Actions" so it is clear what hides behind the button.

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