Friday, July 19, 2019

website design - Expand/collapse all - Combined or separate button(s)?

Note: This isn't a question about which icons or labels to use. It's purely about usability.

So, I have a page with expandable panels and I want to add a button to expand/collapse all panels. Now, I have 2 options, but I'm wondering as to which one is more usable.

[ Expand all ] [ Collapse all ]

Pro: It's quite obvious which button does what
Contra: 2 buttons for a similar action seems somewhat overkill

[ Expand / Collapse all ]

Pro: Just one simple button
Contra: The state isn't shown anywhere. This isn't usually a problem when either all panels are expanded or collapsed, but it becomes an issue when some panels are expanded and some aren't.

So, which one seems more usable?


Usually this comes down to space. If you have the space, two buttons makes more sense and is easier to implement. A single button is bit more confusing because you don't know which action will happen first.

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