Saturday, December 20, 2014

Is there a (free/open source) black and white emoji font?

I wonder if there is a free black and white emoji font out there. All of the ones I have seen are in full color, but there are the two Unicode glyphs ☺, ☻, that's all I have seen.


This answer is copied from Black and white emoji fonts – enfascination

Noto Emoji Font Google has a fully internationalized font, Noto, whose emoji font has a black and white version: The smiley’s are blobs.

EmojiOne EmojiOne is a color font with black and white fallbacks. I couldn’t figure out how to trigger the fallbacks, but I found an early pre-color version of EmojiOne:

Android Emoji Not sure why, but one of Android’s main Emoji fonts is black and white The smiley’s are androids.

GNU’s FreeFont FreeFont is black and white.;O=D

SymbolA SymbolA is a black and white Linux font with nearly full Unicode support:

EmojiSymbols A free font by an independent designer. You can convert from woff to ttf here

Microsoft Segoe UI Symbol Microsoft has a very high-quality emoji set in its Segoe UI Symbol/Emoji font. And because of copyright law, in which things have to be copyrighted separately for different uses, there shouldn’t be anything keeping us from using it to create printed type:

FireFoxEmoji This might be from an old pre color version:

Twitter’s Emoji font Twitter open sources its emoji font. This doesn’t have a black and white version, but it does have black and white fallbacks. If I can figure out how to extract or trigger the fallbacks, this could be great.

There may be more at the bottom of this: and here

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